Sustainable Development

The process which responds to the current needs without endangering the future generation capacity to answer their own needs.

Aspects of sustainable development:
• Integrated approach;
• The principle “Think global – act local!”;
• Long term vision on development.

ALMARO Training helps in implementation of European Union legislation in energy and environment fields. We work together with our customers to find the best solutions for implementing reforms in the energy and environment fields for integrating in the European Union.

ALMARO Training helps the organisations from public and private sectors in finding answers to the outcomes of climate changes.
The development of strategies transposes the vision of an organisation in reality, defining steps, ways and objectives, taking into consideration the national and regional politics.

Our approach
– setting the goals
– defining and analysis of the environment, shareholders and their motivation
– research regardsing products/ services/ technologies and their markets
– identifying the tipes of activities needed for goal reach

What does this approach achieves
– integrated strategies well oriented
– a good understanding of market and shareholders
– transposing the politics in practice

The studies of impact evaluation search the results of strategies, programs or activities, having the objective set of comparison. There are often used key-indicators for performance to measure the results who can include resource use, waste production, awareness levels and changes in attitude and behavior.

Our approach
– stabilirea tendinţelor-cheie
– identificarea interacţiunilor dintre componentele sistemului
– identificarea necesităţilor de schimbare
– abordarea în preempţiune a situaţiilor problemei şi a barierelor – se scoate !!!
– prioritizarea activităţilor viitoare
– stabilirea nivelelor de succes şi a exemplelor de bune practici
– oferă posibilitatea îmbunătăţirii continue a programelor în curs de derulare

Ce se realizează prin această abordare
– evaluarea cuprinzătoare a impactului
– îndrumări clare pentru viitor
– diminuarea impactului negativ asupra societăţii şi mediului