PUBLIC ONLINE CONSULTATION – Strategy regarding mediation and the development of mediator’s profession, România, 2014 – 2020
Strategy regarding mediation and the development of mediator’s profession in Romania for 2014 – 2020
In July – November 2014, Mediation Council is in the process of developing the „Strategy regarding mediation and the development of mediator’s profession in România for 2014 – 2020”.
Based on a qualitative and quantitative research (study of relevant legislation, of implementation mechanisms and practices at a national, european and international level, sociological research of substantiating based on questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, workshops, public online consultation and debates) the document will include the analysis of the implementation of the Strategy regarding the development of mediator’s profession in România for 2008 – 2013, will draw a series of strategic objectives and action directions for the the development of mediation and mediator’s profession for the following years and will include an action plan for 2014 – 2017.
The strategy takes into consideration opinions expressed by the stakeholders (the public, Mediation Council, professional associations of mediators, authorized mediators, training suppliers, the presidential institution, Government, Parliament and judicial system representatives, and those of parliament parties, academic and business field, liberal profession’s organisations and civil society), correlated with the mediation’s development directions in EU countries and it will be the foundation of future actions of the Mediation Council.
„Strategy regarding mediation and the development of mediator’s profession in Romania for 2014 – 2020” is being made by the consultancy company ALMARO Training S.R.L, selected by the Mediation Council. In this stage, the corelation of data necessary for definitization of strategic directions and objectives, which resulted from analyzing qualitative and quantitative data, is being made through a process of online public consultation, dedicated to the general public and other stakeholders, activity which is being sustained by the Mediation Council.
Your opinions are very important and we urge you to fill in the online questionare: between 27 October-5 November 2014.
All received information is confidential and will be processed without referals to the identity of the persons from which originated.