ALMARO Training offer for “Integrated Dispute Management”:
The conflict coexists with every change of our environment
Conflict, generally speaking, represents an inherent and inevitable aspect of social change, being an expression of heterogeneous interests, values and beliefs emerging against inevitable constrains as new formations generated by social change. We can speak of conflict only if there are at least two parts which dispute the rule over a social status, power or resources and, for the win, they invoke values and wrights.
The conflict is a natural process, common in all societies, with predictible dinamics and subject to constructive rules.
Dispute management involves:
- Conflict prevention (procedures, training, personalized assistance etc.)
- Conflict analysis
- Conflict resolution (preferably by using methods alternative to court – negociation, mediation, meeting facilitation, neutral evaluation and others).
System design for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) involves designing a coherent system of approach to conflicts/ disputes, leads inevitable to diminishing the effort put into their punctual and ad-hoc resolution. The immediate result is a better usage of resources and the construction of an environment for development based on dialog, consens and trust.